I always enjoy the short videos you include with your writing. Yes, you WERE meant to be there in Ireland, and I'm so glad of your newly earned citizenship. I'm surprised to learn that Holland is an Irish name. I'm not often wowed by poetry, but yours has become my favorite. You have worked words like a magician to paint a vivid picture. It walked me through my beloved Ireland in a way no other has. Your description of the various sites is stunning.

I especially noted this: "I lament at the steep mound of Sheemor, Vandalised by Christian concrete." This summer, John Willmott took me to see Sheemor, and I was outraged at the huge, garish cross that has been installed on top. To my surprise, John was more philosophical about it, which, I'm sure, is easier on the heart.

I wish you and your precious family a happy holiday with lots of time to rest and relax. You assist in keeping Ireland and the feminine spirit alive for me. Much love to you, dear lady.

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Lovely. Love the pics too..

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Wonderful poem that sums up a lot. Wishing you blessed holidays and beyond Ali :-)

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